Resource Exchange
Find referrals you can use today!
Strictly for members, our Resource Exchange is a collection of members' referrals for doctors, physical therapists, lawyers, tailors, caregivers, hairdressers, service people of all kinds. If you are a BAiP member, you may offer referrals to add to this list or request a referral.
If you are a BAiP member and are requesting information about a referral, please email one of our Resource Exchange volunteers at [email protected]. (If you do not use email, you may call 212-842-8831 ext.25 and leave a message so that a volunteer can return your call.) This service is for members only.
Emergency Preparedness
To help our members prepare for emergencies, we offer two important downloadable forms. The first is a form to list your basic personal information and essential contacts, which you can leave in an accessible place in your home in case of emergency. The second is a companion form to keep with your emergency contact information where you can list important health information such as the medicines, vitamins and supplements that you may take.
Experts on medical emergencies stress the importance of having this information handy. They advise having copies with you and posting the information on or near your refrigerator or bedside where first responders are authorized to look. It is important to keep this information up to date. Recent events also illustrate the need to prepare for emergencies.
Members who need hard copies or who have any questions about these forms, should email us at [email protected] or call (212) 842-8831 ext 32.
You may download the forms by clicking the buttons below. The forms will open in new windows in your web browser.
Emergency Contact Form Medication/Supplements Form